Wednesday, September 11, 2013

About Those Phone Interviews

As stated yesterday, one of my friends took part in a 1 1/2 hour phone talk with an Etsy admin.

The first thing she made clear, was that she would be able to share the results with her teams and friends.

The admin responded to her concern about resellers by saying Etsy does not want them either, but many items are actually handmade in countries where supplies are cheaper.   Sounded kind of like a typical Etsy non-answer to me.

As far as I can tell, she got no response on the muting issue.

The biggest point she tried to make is that the sellers are not Etsy's enemies, but their customers.  We expect to be treated with respect and professionalism. And that the suggestions made in the forums needed to be taken seriously. That changes should be better thought out as to how they would affect the sellers.

 On the issue of professionalism, she suggested it would be a good idea for Etsy admins to present themselves more professionally. Seriously, would you willingly trust your business to someone who looks like Rob White's avatar.

She thinks she brought up the issue of testing too. But it was a long conversation and she could not remember everything.

Overall, she was of the opinion that Etsy knew it had troubles, had made mistakes and did not know how to correct them. The admin she spoke with did tell her that all she could do is report this up the line, she had no power to implement or promise changes.

My take is that was a pulse and temperature check of the community.  totally unneeded.  If they would read the forums with an open mind, they would learn what we think and feel.  In the little over a year and a half on Etsy, I have noticed the forums taking on a more and more increasing pessimism about how such a good idea is heading off the rails.

I believe these interviews are taking place until the 15th.  maybe we willl have more feed back on them.

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