Today's post is mainly addressed to newer sellers of handmade products. I know nothing of the challenges facing vintage and supply sellers.
The Etsy forums are full of negativity and disillusionment. Maybe you are thinking, "Did I make a huge mistake in opening my shop here rather than elsewhere?"
The short answer is "No, you did not."
The thought of starting your own website to sell your wares is daunting. I suspect if that was our only avenue, many of us would not have started.
We found Etsy, a place that would handle the "under the hood" stuff for us, leaving us free to create and sell. The fact is, depending on your level of effort, you can become a successful on line retailer with Etsy.
Notice I said depending on your level of effort. When I signed up, Etsy did not promise me I would achieve any guaranteed results. They have been upfront that we are responsible for developing our own traffic. They do not, nor should they, have a way to drive traffic to an individual shop.
It is an excellent gateway to on line commerce. The resources available to us are valuable. The information in the Seller's Handbook, forums and teams is invaluable. As such, it is a great place to start, maybe even stay for the long haul.
But, you are responsible for your own success. It is not as easy as "List it and it will sell" . By opening an Etsy shop, you have given yourself 2 jobs. Your craft and marketing.
It takes time to build a business. And lots of hard work. If you are committed to building your business, it will be very rewarding. A question often asked in the forums is "How long to get consistent sales?" There is no pat answer.
This is crock pot cooking, not microwave cookin.
Good luck.
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